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Software Robot made in Japan.

Easy Programming

Easily develop programming to control software robots in Ruby, Java, PHP, and C#

Robots Operation

Screen display recognition, mouse operation, and keyboard input can be performed in a manner similar to actual human operation.

Robowiser Real IA Robot



Robots Grid Network

Realization of a grid computing network that enables two-way communication between distributed autonomous robots (PCs)

What is Intelligent Automation Robots Concept?

At our company, robots that work the same as humans in the office are called IA (Intelligent Automation) Robots.
IA Robots are similar to FA Robots that do the same job as factory workers.
IA (Intelligent Automation) robots are called robots that work in place of humans by forcibly learning work know-how that humans have learned so far in low code.
It is classified as a reinforcement learning system in the AI term machine learning [supervised learning].
The concept of IA robots is to work automatically by completely copying the actions and judgments of people (experts and professional).

The software that can be developed to transform a PC into an IA Robot is Robowiser Framework (RBF).

The well-known RPA (Robotics Process Automation) automates IT tasks by creating and executing in a "Flowchart" diagram of process flow in a box, where each process is represented by a box, generally focused on simple daily tasks in an office.
We believe that the realization of real human IT tasks with flowcharts will soon reach its limits.


From this, the concept of IA Robots aims to automate IT tasks by allowing anyone to easily programmatically robotize human operations and judgments.
We use the same robotization method as FA Robots, which have a long history.

RBF is a High-Level software robot that incorporates two elements (DNA) of RBA(Runbook Automation) and RPA(Robotic Process Automation), starting with the development of RBA software robot around 2007 and expanding its functionality to RPA.

RBF provides a robotic API that allows you to easily program complex human decisions and IT tasks, and to handle a variety of tasks flexibly.
For example, it can instantly select multiple options by combining many pieces of information obtained by recognizing PC resources and screen displays, automatically operate the mouse and keyboard, and easily develop the same complex decision-making operations as humans in low code.

The software robot Robowiser Framework products provided by our company are designed in an environment conditions where no one is in front of the PC, and the development concept is to realize unmanned operation. In order to realize unmanned operation, we devise, design, develop, and provide various APIs.

The robot can automatically enter text in the input boxes on the display screen.
The specified character is automatically searched and clicked regardless of the displayed position (coordinates) on the screen.
The displayed characters are recognized not only as graphic patterns but also as character codes.
Human confirmation and judgment can be programmed in low code.
Implement Intelligent Automation.

Introducing the IA Robot APIs

You can easily control IA Robots by simply setting API arguments.

- Keyboard input / Mouse operation / Mouse drag and drop
- There are five ways to get screen display information.
1:Window text capture
2:Object text characters in window memory
3:Graphic patterns
5:Screen coordinates
- Windows screen control
* Log on / Log off
* Screen lock / unlock
- Receive mail lists in your mailbox, send and receive mail, and send and receive attachments from your mail server.
- Text characters are read out loud (voice) over a speaker and controlled by human voice input to a voice recognition engine.
- Obtaining location information from location-based services (e.g., GPS sensors)
- Controls power supply for PCs and monitors.
- File transfer between IA Robots.
- Cross the IP segment, Reverse NAT, Communication relay between IA Robots.
- Cooperation with IoT devices.
- Creating and Editing Excel files.
- Edge AI cameras Appearance Inspection or detect people, vehicles, objects, and more.


RBF Extension Software

Software that supports integrated system operation by IA Robots and development of IA Robots

RBF Manager

RBF Manager

Management software that can manage programs that control IA Robots by registering programs developed with RBFAPI as job commands.
Job commands can be executed on a specified schedule.

RBF App Analyzer

RBF Analyzer

The RBF Application Analyzer is used to develop RBF APIs.
It is software that can analyze the operation of the screen & application to be controlled in advance and simulate the automatic control of the keyboard and mouse.

    RBF QuickRobo

RBF QuickRobo

RBF QuickRobo records human operation and run recorded operation. The recorded operation can be run using the RBF API.
This software can be expected to reduce the number of days to development.

PLC MasterRobo Logo   PLC MasterRobo

PLC MasterRobo Home Screen
PLC MasterRobo screen

Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) MasterRobo is an integrated management software that controls multiple IA Robots installed in the Robowiser Framework (RBF) on a PC in a sequence, monitors the operating status of the RBF, and monitors the Windows screen.

[Main Functions]
- Monitoring the operating status of multiple IA Robots.
- Monitor the status of the Windows screen of the IA Robot(PC) on the grid network.
The status of the Windows screen is to monitor
  * Windows logon screen
  * Lock screen
  * Desktop screen
  * Remote desktop screen
When the screen display changes, PLC MasterRobo can notify you by email.
- PLC MasterRobo can run programs file or executable file in sequence on multiple IA Robots.
 Program files or executable files can be transferred to the IA Robot for run.
 Run a program file or execute file that exists in the IA Robot.
- Notify you of the execution result of the program file or execute file by e-mail.
- Graphical display of trends in program execution results.


Earthquake Robo Logo   EarthQuake Robo

When the IA Robot receives P waves information,
it is a software robot that operates to protect the system before a strong shaking S waves arrives.

Operation scenario after the introduction of the Earthquake Robo.


Notifies when the robot receives a P waves.


Take action to save your life right now!


The robot will operate the computer on your behalf before the strong swaying S waves arrives.

The device that detects seismic waves is an IoT device only in Japan.
You need to procure a seismic detector in your own country.

Currently Details site is in Japanese. If you want to display in another language,
Please use the translation function of your browser.


   Business Partner

Would you like to expand the share of next-generation IA Robots in the global market together?
We are looking for participating companies as business partners.

